

Friday, February 24, 2017


Here's a great article. I witnessed this the other day. An incident happened and folks yelled at a dog that it should know better. It was concerning to me for a couple reasons.

Person with reactive dogs should be seeking help for that issue because it's only going to get worse. And it might not end as well as it did this time. In my Help for Reactive Dogs classes I teach both owners and dogs to learn better choices especially when faced with a stray or loose dog. I even teach some of that in my regular classes.

Dog that was yelled at was just acting like a dog would on the loose. It was an accident and he just ran.

But if you have a reactive dog, you gotta have a plan and be aware of your environment and move quick to avoid your dog going over threshold.

Soon I will be setting up my Help for Reactive Dogs classes at the park. First we'll be teaching a workshop on reactivity, what it is, what you can do and what you can teach your dog. Then we'll schedule the classes. Watch your email inbox, my Facebook page Playful Pooches and Parents Dog Training and my website for more info soon. I can help you and your dog be the best you can be.

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