I'm sure there's a few of you who wonder why I post things here and on my Facebook page and other social media sights that have nothing to do with dogs. You might see giraffes, pigs, horses, Turkey vultures, crocodiles and more. And here's why-positive force free training works on all animals. I am so passionate about this.
I just saw a former client of mine go to the dark side. A negative trainer that uses force. Breaks my ❤. It will come to no good end. It never does. I remember she wanted to put a prong collar on her young puppy. She was upset I wouldn't allow that in class. Guess she wanted him to rush past kindergarten right into high school.
Training takes time. Relationships take time. But pain training does not. One good jerk can scare a dog in a heartbeat. Then they do things out of fear.
Not my dogs, not in my classes, not on my watch. That's why I share and talk so much about other species. If you can positively train a 450 lb gorilla, shouldn't it be just as easy to train your dog without pain. It is. It really is.
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