Our last week of park classes. Except for my Help for Reactive Dogs Class. We'll be out there working through October. But this is the last week for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Booooo. I LOVE the park classes! Love working outside, having lots and lots of room. Interacting with passerbys and their dog's, bikes, skateboards, bikes and more. Lots of folks petting our dogs who are tryingto sit politely for petting. This summer was a little squirrelly though. Some rain, some flooding, some extreme heat. Wow. But lots and lots of great dogs and awesome owners. Lots of fun and learning going on. Wonderful teams being formed and strengthened. Great "Stays", "Come when Called" and "Loose Leash Walking". Dogs learning Attention and Focus with all kinds of distractions.
I'm going to miss you Summer. I'll be counting the days till I see you again. Autumn is okay, Winter is so so. I love the cold weather for about a week, then I'm done with it. Spring is awesome but fickle. But Summer. Love. It.
I'll be sending out a newsmail soon as one of my nights is changing locations. I'm very excited for this new location and grateful to have it. I'll give you the details then. Till then soak up every minute of what's left of Summer. Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. I'll still have classes Saturday but none on Labor Day Monday. Goodbye Summer. It was fun!